Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ugly Sweater Party

In December we hosted an ugly Christmas Sweater Party. As you can see we all got dressed up for the occasion. The winners- Matt and Amy, king and queen of the ugly outfits- will have much tougher competition next year now that we all know what they are capable of!

Summer Gardening

One of my goals this last summer was to keep a garden going. As you can tell it was an adventure. I apparently didn't space out my seeds enough and so it quickly became overgrown. Who knew all the seeds would grow anyways?! From the picture you can see one of big zucchini's. We also had two rows of carrots (which Steve swore he would eat...), snap peas, broccoli, artichokes, corn, pumpkins, pole beans, tomatoes and lettuce. It was a lot of fun and a great learning experience to say the least!

August Trip

Last August Steve and I went to visit Katie in LA. While we were there we went to the Getty Museum and gardens and a few other places. We also went on a short cruise out of LA to Mexico. We had so much fun.