Monday, June 27, 2011

First week of summer break!

What we have been up to...

Swimming lessons

Blowing bubbles seems so much easier this year

celebrating fathers day

celebrating Great Grandma's 90th!

practicing our swing

and having tons of fun running around without a care in the world

Sunday, June 5, 2011


It seems very fitting for Ky to get a new nickname after the way he looks right now. He fell at school on Wednesday and cut his cheek wide open. We spent 3 hours at urgent care getting stitches. The worst part was holding him still long enough for shots and stitches and not having enough snacks! He's a trooper though, it hasn't slowed him down at all! This was the day after when his black eye started setting in.

Memorial Day

We were fortunate enough to be invited back to Tim and Liann's cabin last weekend. We love spending time out there and Kylan got to go fishing for the first time. Great granddad got Kylan a very special fishing rod just for him and the boys took it to the lake. Too bad Ky was more interested in throwing the rod into the lake than watching the bobber. Paitience is not a strength of this 2 year old.

Sadie and Kylan feeding the ducks below.

A preferred activity to fishing- collecting buckets of cones and dropping them one by one into the lake.

Hiking with the best dog ever- Mika- who tolerated all of Ky's rambunctious energy with grace.

Can't help but love those feet

Liann and Sadie

All clean after a hard day of play

Grease Lightning

For those of you that don't know Kylan has been taking a "buddy and me" dance class the last two months. A few friends of mine have had their toddlers take the class as well and they loved it as much as Kylan did. Each toddler is paired up with a middle school buddy. Kylan took to his buddy, Josh, right away. The class is mostly gross motor play activities but there was a choreographed dance to Grease Lightning. Kylan's recital was a few weeks ago. These are pics from the rehearsal.

There are 3 "T-bird's" in his class. Ky's back is to the crowd.

Cool guy loved his glasses so much he never took them off... and so he couldn't see much of anything.

Found mommy in the crowd.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Happy Birthday!!

It is amazing how much can happen in a year. From walking to running, from stomping to jumping, from writing to painting from "sleeping" to really sleeping! Our year has been so much fun. Steve and I remind ourselves every day how lucky we are to be parents and how blessed we are to be parents to Ky. He has filled out lives with so much joy and awe. Who knew how much a 2 year could do and learn every single day?! We are constantly amazed. Here are a few pics from his birthday party we had a few weeks ago.

Playing in the dirt- yum!

Thanks Logan!

Gabe and Logan were very helpful opening presents.

Birthday cake- much better than dirt.

Kisses from Kylan's favorite cousin Sadie. She has perfect duck lips for kissing!

Singing Happy Birthday on his actual birthday, the 29th. We were visiting great Granddad and Grandma. Since this weekend Kylan has loved being sung "Happy Birthday" to each day. He even started squealing happy birthday yesterday when the muffin he had for breakfast reminded him of a cupcake!