So... I'm a little embarrassed it's taken me so long to make a post. I haven't forgotten, just been super busy. December was a fast and furious month for us. Kylan continues to love school and has made some special friends. His BFF is still Colton and his other special friend, Grace. I think it's his first crush :) She is the only one Kylan will hug first thing when he enters his class and he is frequently found snuggling on the pillows reading books with her. It is so sweet. As for Steve and I- we are both busy enjoying work. I LOVE my third grade class this year and I am learning a lot each week. Steve is super busy at work and doing well. In the fall he earned an award for exemplary sales in his division (Don't tell him I bragged, he'd be embarrassed).
Now onto the pics...

Decorating the tree-this one spot got LOTS of ornaments and was sagging by the end.

The Fortiers have Santa come over every year for cookies and story time. This year Kylan didn't want to sit on Santa's lap but preferred to tell him he wanted "toy story" for christmas from the side.
Watching the Fire Truck Light Parade with the Fortiers. Kylan, Matthew and Logan got very excited to watch the big trucks roll by all decked out in lights.
So glad cousins Nathan and Jason could come for Christmas this year! Kylan had a great time playing with them.
Great Grandma and Granddad watching the kids open presents- fun chaos!

Christmas morning- The Dreschels stayed with us. Kylan and Sadie waking up to see if Santa came.
Checking out the loot Santa left.
Eating the crumbs that Santa left behind- Kylan said "Santa was hungry!!"

Grandma Griffin made gingerbread houses with her grandkids- Kylan's turned out so cute! We were impressed that so much candy actually made it to the house!
Wishing you and your family a blessed new year!